Saturday, July 17, 2010

The Efficacy of Bee Equipment

Without doubt, beekeeping is one of the greatest investments nowadays, which anyone can freely deal with. Yet, before you can win in the world of bees, you must first occupy your knowledge with such important and useful things with regards to managing a beekeeping business.

Of course, in order to start successfully your venture, you should then study very well the different matters that embrace beekeeping. One of the most significant parts of the business that you must fully give attention to is the bee equipment. Of course, tools and equipments are the main frames of your venture for you cannot run it effectively and productively if you do no have the necessary equipment to make the venture grow in effect.

If you know someone who is knowledgeable enough or who owns a beekeeping business, then do not be uncertain to ask for some advice and recommendations. On the other hand, if you do not know someone who can assist you with your plan, then the best thing that you can put into action is for you to go online. Yes. There are a number of online stores that offer a wide variety of different types of bee equipment. And you just simply need to weigh up each of the tools to get the best and the most effective equipment.

You should acquire all necessary bee equipment in order to begin properly and manage very well your beekeeping venture yet the ultimate purpose of all why you should complete all the necessary beekeeping tools is for you to protect and secure yourself as well as your personnel from the bees. Well, you may already be familiar about the threat that bees can bring to any person if and only if they get hurt. Of course, no one can say when the danger will take place; thus, it is important to be cautious and prepared all the time and you can only achieve the security that you need if you do have the complete set of beekeeping equipment.

Some of the most important bee equipment that you should acquire are as follows:

• Beehives

• Bee smoker and fuel

• Beekeeper suit or clothing

• Beekeeper apron

• Frame lifter

• Feeder

• Pollen trap

• Magnifying glass

• Gloves and veil

Remember that it is extremely significant to give attention to all vital bee equipment with the intention of securing one's life

Josh Carter is a hobby Bee keeper and beekeeping, has a lot of benefits to offer. If you can overcome the fear of being stung by a bee, then beekeeping can be worth a try. You can find most of the topics regarding his written works at this site: Beekeeping Success

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Saturday, July 10, 2010

Ways on How to Become a Successful Beekeeper Through Backyard Beekeeping

The population of bees is slowly diminishing because of the introduction of different pesticides. People tend to eliminate bees thinking that they are harmful pests. Good thing there are people who become interested in rearing bees particularly honey bees. Bees play an important part in the pollination of plants. The fact is they carry 80% of the pollination process. You can help bring back bees by starting your own backyard beekeeping.

There are two effective ways to have your own backyard beekeeping. One way is to have one or two bee hives in your backyard. This will help a lot in your vegetable and flower garden. Many gardeners are not aware that the real cause why their harvest is decreasing is because of the diminishing population of honey bees. If you start your won beekeeping in your backyard, you will again harvest large amount of vegetables.

Another way of backyard beekeeping is to make your backyard bee friendly. You can do this by avoiding using pesticides as much as you can. If you can't avoid using pesticide, decide to spray late at night when the bees already returned in their hives.

If you decide to become a beekeeper, you can find a lot of information about beekeeping in the internet. But, not all are intended for backyard beekeeping and so you have to be careful in getting information.

Here are some ways how to start backyard beekeeping:

• Before purchasing your first hive, you should all the information you can find. The information you can find can help you a lot to become successful beekeeper.

• Remember that you can find a lot of beekeeping information thus you should choose only the essential information that will help you the most. Not all information can help you to reach your goal.

• You have to trust yourself that you can become successful beekeeper someday. Joining in beekeeping association is another way to gain information how to raise bees effectively. Since you will have a chance to interact with other beekeepers, you can find different views which you can follow in your own backyard beekeeping.

• You can visit local beekeepers in your place. You can help them work in their hives. This way you can learn by experience. Most of the time, this method is proven effective since you are already experiencing things you should expect in your beekeeping business.

Backyard beekeeping can give you a lot of benefits not only because it will help you harvest more vegetable in your garden but also because you can make money in selling the honey your bees have produced.

Blake Trujillo is a bee keeper and his hobby is beekeeping. He has a lot of benefits to offer. If you can overcome the fear of being stung by a bee, then beekeeping can be worth a try. For more details please visit: Beekeeping Success

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Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Where to Find Helpful Beekeeping Information

With the increasing number of people who are becoming interested in beekeeping, more and more beekeeping information avenues have been created in order to cater to the needs of the budding and even professional beekeepers. The widespread existence of the different guides, equipments, online sites and a lot more are now available in just a jiffy.

What is more exciting is that all of these beekeeping information avenues claim to be the best in presenting the most helpful and the most effective ways and techniques of beekeeping. But with this reality, it is now hard for beekeepers to select which among them is the best source and how would a beekeeper know for sure that he will be getting what he really needs in order to survive the beekeeping world.

Surely, any beekeeper wants to make sure that everything he gets from a beekeeping source not wastes any of his effort, time and money, as well. With the tighter budgets that people have in this kind of economy we have today, anyone would only delve on what is sure to give them the best deal. So here is how a beekeeper can make sure to have the beekeeping information he needs without too much wasting going on.

At the outset, a beekeeper should choose a reliable beekeeping guide as his source. This guide would help him identify his goal as he pursues the beekeeping career. If you are just aiming for a small and simple beekeeping operation then you would surely require for a much fundamental guide than a deep-seated guide usually intended for a commercial business.

The first step to selecting a good beekeeping guide is to determine what your main goal is. If you just want a small, simple backyard operation, you will need a much more basic guide, than if you chose to start a commercial operation.

The next thing that you should consider is the source of the guide. You should take note and pay attention to the author of the guide and if the guide really provides very reliable and truthful beekeeping information. This is because there are some guides that are just filled with fillers leaving you feel more confused on what to do.

Lastly, you should search for a guide that will present you a complete package of beekeeping information. This will make you save more of your time and effort in looking for another set of beekeeping information in your next beekeeping endeavor.

Heeding to the mentioned advices can deliver you to an exciting beginning and a successful end of your beekeeping journey.

Though, beekeeping is a pleasurable hobby for some, it can also be a good source of income. In fact, many are now motivated to turn the hobby into a profitable beekeeping business. Learn more by clicking this site

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Monday, July 5, 2010

Beekeeping For Beginners - Your First Bee Hive - How to Raise Honey Bees

Learning how to raise honey bees is an honorable hobby, and it can work into a rewarding profession as well. After all bees are totally necessary for our natural environment. They pollinate about 80% of all flowering plants. But bees are diminishing in number due to the intrusion of pests.

So, if you start beekeeping in your neighborhood, you will be helping to keep our planet green. How about that for an encouragement? Seriously, there is a need for more healthy bees.

As you know, bees live in hives, either natural or artificial. Natural hives are becoming harder and harder to find due to the pestilence mentioned above. But, if you could find a natural hive, you could bring those bees to your hive.

Oh, did I forget to mention that you need a hive? You can build your own hive, or you can purchase one from an established beekeeper.

Once you have your hive ready, you can bring in your bees. Once again, you have a choice to make.

First, you can get your bees from a natural source as mentioned above. By the way, if you find someone who has a hive in their attic or some other cavity in their house, they will gladly let you take the bees for free (might even pay you to do it).

Second, you can buy a bee package. Bee packages are sold by professional beekeepers. They are just a bunch of bees in a box with a queen in a separate container. You take them to your hive and pour them in, hoping that they will like the queen and begin a colony. Within a couple of weeks you may have a working hive.

Third, you can buy a bee package know in the bee trade as a NUC - it stands for Nuclear Hive. Actually it is a mini working hive. Usually NUCs come in a cardboard box with 4 or 5 frames of bees. There is a queen in the NUC who is related to the other bees (unlike the package bees). All you need to do is transfer the bees to your hive, and you are in the beekeeping business.

Of course there is a lot more to know about how to raise honey bees than where to get bees for your hive. The more you read and learn, the better off you will be to start beekeeping and have great success.

Beekeeping is a rewarding hobby. Perhaps you are ready to take the next step in learning about beekeeping for beginners. One of the best things you can do is join a local bee keepers association. You can also take the next step by visiting Wishing you a hiveful of success!

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Sunday, July 4, 2010

Honey Bee Equipment - A List of Must Have Items to Successfully Raise Bees

Do you have a honey bee farm? Are you worried about the honey bee equipment and what you will need on a daily basis to raise bees? If this sounds like you, then this article will help you in learning more about the useful equipment that can help you. The most important equipment is used in order to provide the most efficient way to handle bees. Experienced bee keepers could attest that these simple tools are the only thing that keeps their work as easy as possible.

The protective honey bee equipment is the first line of defense for the professional bee keeper. When you wear such garments over your clothes, it will provide you with an adequate level of protection against bee stings. The protective accessories like the helmet, the head veil, and the plastic boots will even boost the level of protection. All of the protective suits are made from light colored coverall garment that repels the bees due to its light color and smooth nonporous material. The other important protective equipment is the smoker which produces puffs of smoke to sedate the bees while checking the hive.

The magnifying lens is a very useful tool as it gives the observer a chance to look closely to the wings of the insect and discover any possibility for parasites carried on the wings of the bee. Be careful when using the lens in direct sunlight as it may harm eggs.

Each hive should have a log book so you write down all the findings and details related to that specific hive. This way you can notice any new changes or behaviors with your bees.

Frame spacers are considered small cubic pieces of wood, but in fact the frame spacers separate the frames one from each other. This keeps it easy when it comes pulling the frames out. To pull the frame out you need a hook, it is made of stainless steel to be durable and it allows the bee keeper to pull the frame by one hand. All of this equipment will help you in your quest to become successful at beekeeping.

Need more information on where to go to get beekeeping help?

Honey Bee Equipment offers really good information to get you started as a successful beekeeper. They provide access to a guide that will take you step by step to learn about beekeeping and bees first hand.

We have been successful at beekeeping for some time now. Thanks to the information that we found.

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Saturday, July 3, 2010

Essential Honey Bee Equipment - 4 Things That You Must Have to Begin

Starting a beekeeping project either for fun or business requires some basic items to start with. These items could be found at any local store selling honey bee equipment or even via the internet. Without these basic items raising a colony of bees could be dangerous. So, it is important to make a list of important things.

Selecting the appropriate hive

The hive is the basic unit of your project, it is where you keep your bees and it is also your honey factory. You should choose the most appropriate hive type for your area and for your bees. The most popular hives are cedar wood and pine wood hives, both are good but cedar is the top quality hives in the market.

Protective clothes

You need to be fully protected when you deal with bees. Otherwise, you will be stung every time you open the hive. A protective mask, over all protective garment and pair of gloves are the essential honey bee equipment that you can not spare.

The smoke apparatus

Have you ever thought about opening a hive containing thousands of bees and checking what is going on inside without getting hard stings all over your body? The most effective solution is the smoker which produces smoke that will let your bees calm down a little till you do your normal checking procedure.

Receiving the bees

Once you are prepared with the right tools, you are ready to get your first pack of bees. Do not go for the cheapest especially if you intend to start beekeeping as a business. Choose the appropriate type of bees after consultation with the nearest bee keeper in your area as he might be the best person to tell you about the suitable bee type for your area.

Honey Bee Equipment offers really good information to get you started as a successful beekeeper. They provide access to a guide that will take you step by step to learn about beekeeping and bees first hand.

We have been successful at beekeeping for some time now. Thanks to the information that we found.

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Friday, July 2, 2010

The Life Cycle of the Honey Bee

If you happen to be a beekeeper then knowing the life cycle of your insects is very important. Honey bees really do have an unusual and very interesting life cycle.

Honey bees hatch from an egg to begin their lives. The eggs are produced from the queen bee. She can lay as many as 1500-2000 eggs per day. When she is ready to lay the eggs she does so in a cell of the beehive. This cell is designated for this purpose only. The eggs are attached to the hive with little membranes, similar to an umbilical cord. This keeps the eggs from falling out or getting injured.

Once the eggs have matured they are ready to hatch. The egg will split open and the new baby larvae will appear. During this time of a bees life they will undergo 5 different growth stages. They are fed a substance called "bee bread," which is honey and secretions from the the nurse bees. It is the nursing bees job to feed the young larva, sort of a "nanny" if you will. Once the larva complete the five stages, it will molt its outer shell, this usually happens on the sixth day of it's life. Once the bee has shed it's skin, worker bees will then come in and seal the cell the larva is in creating a cocoon. The larva will stay in this cocoon for up to 10 days, and will come out of the cocoon as a fully formed bee.

Worker bees can live to be 130-50 days old in the winter, and on average live only 30-40 days during the summer. This is because they work so much during the summer. There main job is to gather pollen and bring it back to the beehive to produce honey. If they are a nurse bee then there main job will be taking care of the newly hatched larva. These are the most abundant bees in the hive, with bugger hives having as many as 300,000 worker bees in it. Worker bees are sterile, but can lay eggs. When they lay an egg a drone bee will be produced.

The drone bees have only one purpose, and that is to impregnate the queen bee. Drone bees have a very short life cycle. Once they have mated with the queen they will die. In the chance that a drone bee does not mate with the queen, it is the workers job to starve the drone bees. The queen bee can live up to 1 1/2 to 2 years. Her only job is to produce offspring. An upcoming queen bee will kill her mother and sisters. She does not have to do anything, not even use the bathroom, as it is the workers job to pamper her, feed her, and even remove her excrement. The life of the colony is directly related to the health of the queen, if she where to die, then colony would die off as well.

Nathan has been writing articles for almost 5 years. Come visit his latest website over at Humming Bird Feeder which helps people find the best Hummingbird Feeder Parts.

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